50mph winds made for hard running. We did a 12 mile (19.3km) loop taking in Most of Cribden, Great Hameldon (409m - SD 794 289) and Hameldon Hill (399m - SD 810 287).
Winds around the side of Cribden (home of notoriously nasty farmers) were so strong, huge effort was required to put one foot infront of the other. Thankfully, we did have the wind on our backs for some of the duration, especially noticeable on the slog up Great Hameldon.
Looking Down The Valley Towards Peel Tower

Great Hameldon Hill Summit, The View South

Great Hameldon Hill Summit, Windswept

On the path to Hameldon Hill we came across some rather icy 'puddles' which turned out to be knee deep icy bogs.
Upon returning to Loveclough, we did come across what would be an excellent orienteering forest, a nice surprise when the legs were beginning to burn. All in all an excellent run, apart from the gales, perfect weather!
Click here to download the route for viewing in Google Earth. You will need to have Google Earth installed on your computer.